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Change WiFi Location

By default, Wi-Fi location is not set to your own country. Mine is set to GB (Great Britain) while I am in France.

This can be disturbing in some cases because not all countries use the same Wi-Fi frequencies.

Only make these changes if you are experiencing stability issues with your printer's Wi-Fi.


This procedure must be repeated after restoring the printer to factory settings or if you update the firmware.


  • Connect to SSH (Guide is available here).

  • Enter the following command to check all available locations:

    SSH Command Prompt
    cat /usr/share/zoneinfo/
  • Locate the two letters specific to your location in the list that appears.

  • On the left part of the window, go to the /usr/data/ folder and right-click on the wpa_supplicant.conf file then select Open with default text editor:

  • In the new editing window that appears, modify the country line by replacing the two letters corresponding to your location, like this:

  • Then click on Save file button on the top:

  • And confirm the file replacement by clicking Yes button:

  • On the right part of the window, in SSH command prompt, enter this command to reboot your printer:

    SSH Command Prompt
  • After restarting, the printer's Wi-Fi will be set to your own country.

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