Change Date & Time

In some cases date and time are not correct and defined by default to Sun Mar 1 13:29:37 CET 2020.
This guide explains how to set the correct date and time on your printer based on your time zone.


This procedure must be repeated after restoring the printer to factory settings or if you update the firmware.

  • Connect to SSH (Guide is available here).

  • Enter this command to see the current date and time defined on your printer:

    SSH Command Prompt

    If date and time are correct, there is no need to continue.

  • Enter this command to see the current time zone defined on your printer:

    SSH Command Prompt
    ls -l /etc/localtime | awk '{print $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11}'

    By default I get this (I live in France so this is not correct):

    SSH Command Prompt
    Jan 10 16:04 /etc/localtime -> ../usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Shanghai
  • Enter this command to delete the current time zone:

    SSH Command Prompt
    rm -rf /etc/localtime
  • Enter this command to display the list of available zones:

    SSH Command Prompt
    ls /usr/share/zoneinfo | grep '^[A-Z]'
  • Enter this command to display the list of cities available in the chosen zone (by replacing the XXX with the zone):

    SSH Command Prompt
    ls /usr/share/zoneinfo/XXX | grep '^[A-Z]'


    SSH Command Prompt
    ls /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe | grep '^[A-Z]'
  • When you have find your current time zone, enter this command to define it (by replacing the XXX with the zone and YYY by the city):

    SSH Command Prompt
    ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/XXX/YYY /etc/localtime


    SSH Command Prompt
    ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Paris /etc/localtime
  • Enter this command to restart NTP server to take effect:

    SSH Command Prompt
    /etc/init.d/S49ntp restart
  • Then enter this command again to see the changes applied:

    SSH Command Prompt

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