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Backup & Restore Moonraker database

This allows to backup and restore Moonraker database. This can be useful for keeping print statistics after a printer reset.


  • Make sure you have followed this Helper Script Installation section before.

  • In the script, enter in [Backup & Restore] Menu by typing 4 , validate with Enter and select Backup Moonraker database:

  • When it's done, a compressed file named backup_database.tar.gz containing the backup is created in /usr/data/printer_data/config/ folder accessible from Fluidd or Mainsail Web interface and it can be downloaded (right click on the file and Download):

    • On original Fluidd Web Interface go to Configuration icon on the left side.
    • On original Mainsail Web Interface go to Machine tab on the left side.


You can also use MOONRAKER_BACKUP_DATABASE macro to backup Moonraker database when installing Useful Macros feature.


  • Make sure you have followed this Helper Script Installation section before.

  • Make sure backup_database.tar.gz file is present in /usr/data/printer_data/config/ folder.

  • In the script, enter in [Backup & Restore] Menu by typing 4 , validate with Enter and select Restore KMoonraker database:

  • When it's done, Moonraker database is restored.


You can also use MOONRAKER_RESTORE_DATABASE macro to restore Moonraker database when installing Useful Macros feature.

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