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Entware is a software repository for devices which use the Linux kernel.

Installing Entware allows ton install packages to your printer to perform new tasks or provide other functionality than what it was marketed for, or simply to perform those functions better.


This procedure must be repeated after restoring the printer to factory settings or if you update the firmware.


  • Make sure you have followed this Install Helper Script section before.

  • In the script, enter in [Install] Menu by typing 1 , validate with Enter and install Entware:

  • When it's done, log out of the current SSH session and log in again.

  • The list of available packages can be found here: Entware Packages.

  • This is available commands (replacing <packagename> by the name of the package):

    To install a specified package
    opkg install <packagename>
    To update available packages list
    opkg update
    To update all installed packages
    opkg upgrade
    To update a specified package
    opkg upgrade <packagename>
    To display the list of all available packages
    opkg list
    To display the list of all installed packages
    opkg list-installed
    To display the list of packages that can be updated
    opkg list-upgradable
    To remove package without its associated dependencies
    opkg remove <packagename>
    To remove package and its associated dependencies
    opkg --autoremove remove <packagename>
    To display detailed information about a specified package
    opkg info <packagename>
    To display the list of files installed by a specified package
    opkg files <packagename>


    To install Nano (Nano is a small and simple text editor for use on the terminal):

    SSH Command Prompt
    opkg install nano

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