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Git Backup

This allows to watch Klipper configuration folder and automatically backup to GitHub whenever a change is made in that directory.


This procedure must be repeated after restoring the printer to factory settings.


  • If you do not have a GitHub account, create one by clicking here and filling out all the details.

  • Sign into your GitHub account.

  • Create a new repository by clicking on the New button:

  • Fill in the information for the new repository as follow and click on Create repository:

    1. Add a Repository name.
    2. The description is optional, but nice to have, especially for others who might view your configurations.
    3. Public or Private is up to you.
    4. Make sure Add a README file is unchecked, .gitignore template is set to None and Licence is set to None.

  • You now have a new git repository! Next up, it's needed to generate a token that can be used to authenticate against your newly created repository.

  • Click here to access to your Personal Access Tokens settings.

  • Make sure Tokens (classic) is selected on the leftmost side, then create a new token by clicking on Generate new token menu and then on Generate new token (classic):


    If you are prompted to reauthenticate, do so. This is a safety measure as you are about to create a sensitive credential.

  • Give to your token a meaningful note, set Expiration to No expiration and check workflow and read:org boxes:

  • Then, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on Generate token:

  • You have now a personal access token! Protect it well, like you would any other password!

  • Click on the Copy button to copy the token to the clipboard:

  • I recommend that you copy this token to a text file on your computer because you will not be able to see it again and it will be needed later when installing Git Backup.


  • Make sure you have followed this Install Helper Script section before.

  • In the script, enter in [Install] Menu by typing 1 , validate with Enter and install Git Backup:

  • When asked enter your GitHub username, your email address, your repository name, your branch name and your personal access token retrieved previously.

  • Once installed and configured, your Klipper configuration files will be automatically pushed to your GitHub repository.


  • You can control Git Backup with this macros:

    • GIT_BACKUP_STOP → To stop watching Klipper configuration folder and stop pushing to GitHub until manually resumed
    • GIT_BACKUP_PAUSE → To pause watching Klipper configuration folder and stop pushing to GitHub until next reboot, or until manually resumed
    • GIT_BACKUP_RESUME → To resume watching Klipper configuration folder and pushing to GitHub
  • Git Backup can also be controlled from SSH with this command by replacing <option> with possible option:

    SSH Command Prompt
    sh /usr/data/helper-script/files/git-backup/ <option>
    Possible Options
    -i              Install
    -p              Pause
    -r              Resume
    -s              Stop
    -b branch       Specify branch for git push
    -t target       Specify target directory or file to watch
    -g remote       Specify remote for git push

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