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Mobileraker Companion

Mobileraker Companion allows to push notification for Klipper using Moonraker for Mobileraker phone App.

More info about Mobileraker Companion: Here

More info about Mobileraker: Here


This procedure must be repeated after restoring the printer to factory settings.


  • Make sure you have followed this Install Helper Script section before.

  • In the script, enter in [Install] Menu by typing 1 , validate with Enter and install Mobileraker Companion:

Download Mobileraker App


Add Printer (Local Access)

  • Start Mobileraker App and click on Add Machine:

  • Then, click on Simple:

  • Configure this settings like that by replacing by your printer's local IP address and click on Test Connection:

  • If your configuration is correct, the test should return Valid status and you can click on Continue:

  • Then, you can click on To the Dashboard:

  • Your printer is now added to Mobileraker for local access.

Add Printer (Remote Access with GuppyFLO)

  • GuppyFLO is required for remote access, please follow the installation procedure available here.

  • Start Mobileraker App and click on Add Machine:

  • Then, click on Advanced:

  • Configure this settings like that by replacing Printer and Websocket adresses by yours and click on Test Connection:

    Your Printer Adress must be similar to:
    by replacing xxxxxxxxxx by your Printer ID

    Your Websocket Adress must be similar to:
    by replacing xxxxxxxxxx by your Printer ID

    You can obtain your Printer ID by clicking on the Info button on GuppyFLO Web interface:

  • If your configuration is correct, the test should return Valid status and you can click on Continue:

  • Then, you can click on To the Dashboard:

  • Your printer is now added to Mobileraker for remote access.

  • To configure camera, click on the 3 horizontal bars to display the menu:

  • Click on Settings icon:

  • And edit WEBCAM section:

    Your Stream URL must be similar to:
    by replacing xxxxxxxxxx by your Printer ID and yyyyyyyyyy by your Camera ID

    Your Snapshot URL must be similar to:
    by replacing xxxxxxxxxx by your Printer ID and yyyyyyyyyy by your Camera ID

    You can obtain your Camera ID by clicking on the Info button on GuppyFLO Web interface:


The camera works remotely only when configured on the Fluidd or Mainsail Web interface. See the Configure Camera section.


  • Click on the 3 horizontal bars to display the menu:

  • Click on App Settings to display application settings:

  • In the NOTIFICATION section, you will see a warning, click on it and authorize the application notifications:

  • You can now configure App settings like that:

  • You can now test push notifications by enter this command in Console on Fluidd or Mainsail Web interface:

    M117 $MR$:Hi guy!|This message is a notification test.
  • And you should receive this notification:

  • Mobileraker can send push notifications when your printer is in the following state: Standby,Printing,Paused,Canceled,Complete and Error

Use Push Notification in macros

  • Open gcode_macro.cfg file:

  • On original Fluidd Web Interface go to Configuration icon on the left side.

  • On original Mainsail Web Interface go to Machine tab on the left side.

  • And add this macro:

    [gcode_macro MR_NOTIFY]
    description: Allows to send custom notifications via Mobileraker without using the M117 command
      {% set msg = "MR_NOTIFY:" ~ (params.TITLE ~ "|" if 'TITLE' in params|upper else "") ~ params.MESSAGE %}
      {% if 'MESSAGE' in params|upper %}
        { action_respond_info(msg) }
      {% else %}
        { action_raise_error('Must provide MESSAGE parameter') }
      {% endif %}
  • Then, click on SAVE & RESTART button in the top right corner.

  • You can now use command in this format where you want in your macros to send push notifications:

    MR_NOTIFY TITLE="your_title" MESSAGE="your_message"
  • When crafting your custom notification's title or message, you have the flexibility to incorporate placeholders that will be dynamically replaced by the Mobileraker Companion. These placeholders allow you to convey specific information relevant to the notification.


    Usage: MR_NOTIFY TITLE="I am $printer_name" MESSAGE="$file is currently printing!"

  • Below is a list of available placeholders and their corresponding replacements:

    Placeholder Key Description Condition
    $printer_name The name of the printer set in Mobileraker app Can always be used
    $file The file that is currently printing Only available while the printer is in state printing, paused or completed
    $eta The eta of the current print job in the timezone defined through the config file. Date-Format corresponds to the provided eta_format in the config Only available during printing or paused
    $a_eta In contrast to $eta, the adaptive eta returns the eta timestamp if the print ends on the current day, else it returns the date timestamp as the normal eta Only available during printing or paused
    $remaining_avg The avg remaining time for the current print job. Combining all availables sources for the remaining time (File-Position, Filament, Slicer) (Format: days HH:MM) Only available during printing or paused
    $remaining_file The remaining time for the current print job using the File-Position as source (Format: days HH:MM) Only available during printing or paused
    $remaining_filament The remaining time for the current print job using the total and used filament as source (Format: days HH:MM) Only available during printing or paused
    $remaining_slicer The remaining time for the current print job using the Slicer data as source (Format: days HH:MM) Only available during printing or paused
    $progress The printing progress (0-100) Only available during printing or paused
    $cur_layer The current layer Only available during printing or paused
    $max_layer The maximum layer of the file that is currently beeing printed Only available during printing or paused

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