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Nozzle Cleaning Fan Control

This allows to control hotend and side fans during nozzle cleaning process to have quieter cooling.


This procedure must be repeated after restoring the printer to factory settings.


  • Make sure you have followed this Install Helper Script section before.

  • In the script, enter in [Install] Menu by typing 1 , validate with Enter and install Nozzle Cleaning Fan Control:

  • You can change the fan speed, open nozzle-cleaning-fan-control.cfg file located in Helper-Script folder:

    • On original Fluidd Web Interface go to Configuration icon on the left side.
    • On original Mainsail Web Interface go to Machine tab on the left side.
  • And change the max_speed value knowing that the max value is 1.0 (which corresponds to a speed of 100%).

    max_speed: 0.5
  • Then, click on SAVE & RESTART button in the top right corner.

  • During the nozzle cleaning process, the fans will now operate at the defined value.

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